Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Downers Grove, IL

I have been having pretty odd dreams lately, but last night was a record. I woke up in the middle of the night with Downers Grove, IL in my head. I have never heard of this place before but for some reason it was very important to remember it. I grabbed my blackberry and typed it in under an existing memo. Sure enough, when i woke up i could not recall the name and i wasn't sure if i had really woken up or just dreamed it. There is was in the blackberry. I googled it and it's a real place, though it has no meaning at all.

It just seems logical that i must have heard the name recently but i have no idea where. I also had a pretty intense dream about my family, my sister and i were having a very bad fight with my mother. I was losing my mind on her about abusing us, but she never did in real life. Well, no more than any other kid got hit in the 70's and 80's. It was scary how real the whole thing was and how pissed off i was-- more than i have ever been in real life.

It's funny how real life affects dreams. I just wish i knew what it all meant. I'm going to freak if something real happens involving Downers Grove.

1 comment:

indigomast said...

lol dreams are fun.. but I hardly ever remember mine.