Saturday, February 24, 2007

Once Again.....

OK, for some reason I couldn't access the blog i created a few days ago. Let's hope that doesn't happen again.

I also want to clarify about my surgery-- even though it was elective, it was not cosmetic. I wasn't injured at work and that's why they won't let me return. I had a very serious surgery on my hip that will hopefully prevent the need for hip replacements in the future. I am having a complication and may need another surgery, though very minor in comparison. Long-term disability is designed to fight you every step of the way, so I haven't seen any money since my short-term stopped in January.

(here is the opening post from the other blog i created)

Inspired by leighann, who's blog i found via grace, I'm here to get my life in order. I am going to get a total together this afternoon. Unfortunately, a plan isn't so simple for me. I had one that would have me paid off in two years but i have bigger problems right now. I had an elective surgery a few months ago and i am not back to work yet. I did not expect to be out of work for so long and long-term disability is a pain in the ass. My ltd claim still isn't approved and the case worker is a douche bag. I don't know yet what my net will be since the taxes are crazy, so i cannot make a budget right now. I can pay minimums and do not expect to fall behind, which is a huge plus. But this surgery really jacked up my debt and i am north of 20k on credit cards right now. More later, just wanted to create this blog and get a post up while i was motivated. Spending is absolutley on hold for now and i want to make an effort to be accountable here.


So, the total came to just over 23k. I am in the process of consolidating into a home equity loan for 1 payment and lower interest. I know that this now makes it a secured loan, but 1 payment is going to help me manage this better. I can easily double the payments when I am able to return to work. I do not have access to the cards-- undecided about canceling them since i don't want to lower my FICO. I actually have awesome credit and would love to see my FICO hit 800!

I need to be accountable for my spending and that's what i plan to do here. I need to make sure that i do not get into debt again. My ex (who still lives here) is moving out in the next few months, so that will mean less money for bills. I am still at a manageable level and i can fix this, i just need to stay focused.

Thank you all for the support!

1 comment:

Mummerina said...

Good Luck. Leigh Ann is a great mentor to have!!!